How we grow and eat protein is key to many health and sustainability challenges confronting our food system. Over 800 million people go to bed hungry, while there are 677 million obese adults and 1 in 3 people are overweight. We also face an ecological crisis. One million species are threatened with extinction. Our food contributes 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. We need to consume less meat and source alternative nutritious and sustainable proteins. Mycoprotein is derived from a natural growing fungus and manufactured through a fermentation process. It’s a fantastic protein that preserves resources and protects the planet.

Author: Mark Driscoll
Founder and Director at Tasting the Future a not for profit purpose driven consultancy. He is a global expert in and a passionate advocate for the need for food systems change who has worked for a wide variety of organisations including WWF, Forum for the Future, The Global Alliance for the Future of Food and the World Health Organisation.

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